Saturday, 12 January 2013

Happy 2013!


For my first post of the new year I wanted to share with you an idea I have been implementing with my crafting.
Do you ever feel like you want to create, yet when you sit down at your desk the creative juices just aint flowing? That's so me, so often! It's so frustrating!
Thankfully I have found an answer to this debilitating illness (called "lostmojo-itis").
For me, the remedy for this ailment has been to put together an inspiration folder.

As you can see, all it is is a display folder with clear plastic sleeves. Easy to get from anywhere - the newsagent, supermarket, Kmart...anywhere.
I am in the process of filling the pages with pictures of cards and projects that represent my style, my favourite techniques etc, as well as card styles and techniques that I would like to attempt.

What I like about this idea is that when I sit down to craft, I can get straight into it, producing a stunning card in no time because all the fiddly time-consuming work of planning has been taken care of. I have been super happy with the results, and it is quickly building up my supply of cards.

Now, you could go from page to page, here and there but I have started from page one, and am systematically working my way through, card by card, by card. I don't copy the card examples to the letter, but I'll explain that more in later posts.

Over the next few posts I will be showing you cards that I have made using the card images in my folder as inspiration.
Why don't you try this idea, I bet it will give you the boost you need!

(Full credit for these card images to Jennifer McGuireKristina Werner, Stampin' Up!, Amy Tangerine, and Joy Taylor.)

Hope you can come back soon,
Rebecca ;)


  1. Good idea, Bec! Where do you get the images from? Do you just cut the images out of magazines? Deanne

    1. Hi De! I mostly copy and paste off the internet, but have also included cards I have received, and pictures from magazines.
      Thanks for your comment :)
